Prysm - WordPress Theme Documentation
Blog Posts
If you want to add new Blog posts in your website, you can add & categorize them from
Admin Dashbaord - > Posts - >
Add new
Admin Dashbaord - > Posts - > Categories
Breadcrumb - Allows you wether you want to show breadcrumb or not.
Sidebar - Allows you wether you want to show sidebar or not.
Background Image - Allows you to set blog page background image
Show featured image in listing - Allows you wether you want to shoe featured image in listing or not
Contact Us Section - Allows you wether you want to show Contact Us section or not.
Contact Section title - Enter your desired text to show it as a contact section title.
Background Logo - Upload your desired media to set it as contact section background.
Subscription form - Allows you wether you want to show subscription form or not.
Social follow section - allows you to setup social follows of various social medias.

If you want to add new page in your website, you can add them from
Admin Dashbaord - > page - >
Add new
Admin Dashbaord - > page - >
Add new - > Edit with Elementer

Page Full Width - Allows wether you want the full width page or not
Top Section - Allows you wether you want to hide top section or or not?
Page Title - Enter your desired text to show it as a page title.
Breadcrumb - Allows wether you want to enable breadcrumbs or not
Background Image - Upload your desired media to set it as a background image.

If you want to add new Portofolio in your website, you can add & categorize them from
Admin Dashbaord - > Portfolio - >
Add new
Admin Dashbaord - > Portfolio - > Categories
Top Section - Allows wether you want to show top section or not.
Portfolio title - Enter your desired text to set it as a portfolio title.
Breadcrumb - Allows wether you want to show breadcrumbs or not.
background image - Upload a media image as a background of a portfolio page.

If you want to add new service posts in your website, you can add & categorize them from
Admin Dashbaord - > Service - >
Add new
Admin Dashbaord - > Service - > Categories
General Settings
Service full Width - Allows wether you want to show service page as a full width.
Top section - Allows wether you want to show top section or not.
Service title - Enter your desired text to set it as a service title.
Breadcrumbs - Allows wether you want to show breadcrumbs or not.
Background Image - Upload your desired media to set it as a background image.
Service info
Service icon class - Allows you to set custom icon class.
Service Icon Image - Upload your desired media to set it as a service icon image.
Service short description - Enter your desired text to set it as service short description.
Service Siderbar settings
Recent services - Allows wether you want to show recent services or not.
Recent services limit - Allows you to set recent services limit.
Sidebar image - upload your desired media to set it as a sidebar image.
Sidebar image link - Enter your desired link where you want user to redirect after clicking on service sidebar image.
Service bottom Settings
Service Carousal - Allows wether you want to show Service Carousal or not.
Service Carousal limit - Allows you to set Service Carousal limit.
Contact Us Section - Allows you wether you want to show Contact Us section or not.
Contact Section title - Enter your desired text to show it as a contact section title.
Background Logo - Upload your desired media to set it as contact section background.
Subscription form - Allows you wether you want to show subscription form or not.

If you want to add new Team member in your website, you can add & categorize them from
Admin Dashbaord - > Team - >
Add new
Admin Dashbaord - > Team - > Categories
General Settings
Team full Width - Allows wether you want to show team page as a full width.
Top section - Allows wether you want to show top section or not.
team title - Enter your desired text to set it as a team title.
Breadcrumbs - Allows wether you want to show breadcrumbs or not.
Background Image - Upload your desired media to set it as a background image.
Member info
Member designation - Enter your desired text to set it as a team Member designation.
Member slider - Upload your desired images to create a slider.
Member contact number - Enter member contact Number.
Member mail - Enter member email address.
Member address - Enter member residence address.
Member social - Allows you to setup member social media icons.
Featured insight section
Featured insight section - Allows wether you want to show featured insight section or not.
Featured insight section heading - Enter your desired text to set it as a insight section heading.
Featured insight section title - Enter your desired text to set it as a insight section title.
Number - Allows you to set number of featured insights to show.

If you want to add new Testimonials in your website, you can add & categorize them from
Admin Dashbaord - > Testimonials - >
Add new
Admin Dashbaord - > Testimonials - > Categories
Author Desigination - Enter your desired text to set it as a author desigination.
Author comment - Enter your desired text to set it as author text.
Select Author Rating - Allows you to set author rating (from 0 to 5).